Text to Q&A generator
No more spending time building a QA system. Simply input your text into the system and the FAQ will be automatically presented, saving valuable time and allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
Time-saving and effortless
Quickly present common Q&A without the hassle of building a system.
Convenient and user-friendly
Simply input your article and get instant answers, with easy and convenient use.
Increase value
Enhance the interactivity of your content, improving its quality and competitiveness.
0 sets of Q&A in total
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Chatbot in jargon
Just provide the text and you can start chatting with the system that all conversation are based on the text. Improving customer experience and work efficiency.
Textual sentiment analysis
Analyze customer service and public opinion content, provide real-time reports, and help companies understand the market and improve customer satisfaction.
Coming Soon
Optical character recognition
Automatically identify documents and codes, perform reading inference, and improve work efficiency and accuracy.
Coming Soon
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Other products of APMIC
AI can be used to review and process various types of documents such as contracts, project proposals, and judgments.
Identify and analyze the text, and sort out the key points and the context in the paragraph.
AI can be used to review and process various types of documents such as contracts, project proposals, and judgments.