Show values with diverse content
Diverse formats for message
Menu for social media account
Diverse formats for message
Diverse message formats makes communication more effective
Create messages in different formats with templates or custom styles for different purposes, and use visual messages to achieve better communication and marketing effects.
Menu for social media account
Make the switching-menu an "information" transfer station
Creat menus for LINE and Messenger separately in order to match to business objectives and members' usage habits on different channels; it makes menus unlimited and more information can be accommodated with the switching-menu in OpenTalk.
Diverse formats for message
Diverse message formats makes communication more effective
Create messages in different formats with templates or custom styles for different purposes, and use visual messages to achieve better communication and marketing effects.
Menu for social media account
Make the switching-menu an "information" transfer station
Creat menus for LINE and Messenger separately in order to match to business objectives and members' usage habits on different channels; it makes menus unlimited and more information can be accommodated with the switching-menu in OpenTalk.